Chapter 4 Analysis

In experiments, our standard operating procedure is to estimate the treatment effect via

We incorporate features of our design into our analysis. This includes blocking, clustering, and weighting when treatment assignment probabilities vary.

By default, we perform parametric statistical inference using HC2 standard errors if our assignment is not clustered. If our assignment is clustered, we use CR2 standard errors with clustering at the level of assignment.

Often, however, we specify that we will use design-based randomization inference instead of parametric inference. This design-based inference attempts to replicate all the features of our assignment and analysis. Some times that we rely on randomization inference include when we have a multistage or wave-based design that creates complex assignment probabilities, a skewed outcome2 or other distributional concern, or a novel adjustment strategy.

We report treatment effect estimates and associated confidence intervals. We often report the posterior probability that one condition is better than another.

4.1 Notation


  • \(n\) units, indexed \(i \in \{1, \ldots, n\}\)
  • \(Z_i \in \{0, 1\}\) indicates assignment to the control or treatment condition
  • \(D_i \in \{0, 1\}\) indicates receipt of the control or treatment condition
  • \(Y_i(1)\) the potential outcome for unit \(i\) if assigned to treatment (more explicitly, \(Y_i(Z_i = 1)\))
  • \(Y_i(0)\) the potential outcome for unit \(i\) if assigned to control
  • \(Y_i\) the observed potential outcome for unit \(i\)

4.2 Estimands

Below are some estimands (targets) that we may be interested in.

  • Average treatment effect: \(ATE = \frac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} (Y_i(1) - Y_i(0))\)
  • Effect for those most helped (Ruggeri and Folke 2021)

4.3 The Unadjusted ITT

By default, in experiments, we estimate the intent-to-treat effect (ITT), unadjusted for covariates, using HC2 standard errors for inference. We do so by estimating the coefficients of the model

\[Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Z_i + \epsilon_i\] using least squares. First, some preliminaries:


# Load data:
load(here("data", "02-01-df.RData"))

Our estimation procedure:

lm_out <- lm_robust(y ~ z, data = df)

##             Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)  CI Lower CI Upper DF
## (Intercept) 2.631066  0.2866799 9.177716 7.370994e-15 2.0621596 3.199973 98
## z           1.548357  0.5367332 2.884779 4.816584e-03 0.4832272 2.613486 98

We can view the ITT treatment effect from the model object with summary(lm_out) or extract it with lm_out$coefficients["z"].

4.4 Adjusting for Covariates

4.4.1 Why we adjust for covariates

We adjust for covariates for two reasons. First, we adjust to address covariate imbalances that remain in our sample, in order to minimize our estimation error. As Tukey (1991, 123) describes,

the degree of protection against either the consequences of inadequate randomization or the (random) occurrence of an unusual randomization is considerably increased by adjustment.
Greater security, rather than increased precision, or increased sensitivity will often be the basic reason for covariance adjustment in a randomized trial.

Despite the fact that the difference in means and regression equivalents are unbiased for the ATE under random allocation, we can only derive estimates from the sample at hand.

Second, adjustment can increase our ATE estimate precision.

4.4.2 How we adjust for covariates

To estimate average treatment effects in experiments, we follow the guidance of Lin (2013), using HC2 standard errors for inference, and, where we adjust for covariates, centering and interacting predictors with treatment status. Where \(Z\) is treatment status and \(X\) is a covariate, \(\beta_1\) below is the ATE:

\[y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Z_i + \beta_2 (X_i - \bar{X}) + \beta_3 Z_i (X_i - \bar{X}) + \epsilon_i\] To implement this, we can use lm_lin() from the estimatr package3:

lin_out <- lm_lin(y ~ z, covariates = ~ x, data = df)
##              Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)    CI Lower  CI Upper DF
## (Intercept) 2.8816525 0.15663330 18.39744 3.088795e-33  2.57073780 3.1925671 96
## z           0.9487427 0.23402169  4.05408 1.023250e-04  0.48421335 1.4132721 96
## x_c         0.8773304 0.06813581 12.87620 1.239045e-22  0.74208190 1.0125789 96
## z:x_c       0.1224778 0.08153824  1.50209 1.363561e-01 -0.03937434 0.2843299 96

We can view the adjusted ITT treatment effect from the model object with summary(lin_out) or extract it with lin_out$coefficients["z"].

The estimate of the average treatment effect is \(0.949\), with a 95% confidence interval covering \((0.484, 1.413)\).

When we want to adjust for a factor variable that has many levels, the interactions in the Lin estimator may not all be identified. In this case, when we want the Lin estimate of the ATE, we coarsen the factor into fewer categories.

Sometimes we are interested in quantities other than average treatment effects. For example, in an experiment involving safety messaging, we might have exploratory interest in whether different models of cars’ registrants appear to behave differently. In such an exploration, we estimate a linear model with a coefficient for each car model without centering and interacting the predictors. Here, we are not interested in the average treatment effect; further, the Lin version of this model demands more than the data can provide – a treatment and control unit for every car model.

4.4.3 Adjusting for Blocks

Where treatment probabilities or sample sizes vary across blocks we account for our blocking by either treating the block indicators \(B_j\) as Lin covariates and estimating

\[\begin{eqnarray*} y_i & = & \beta_0 + \beta_1 Z_i + \beta_2 (X_i - \bar{X}) + \beta_3 Z_i (X_i - \bar{X}) + \ldots \\ && \gamma_1 (B_1 - \bar{B}_1) + \gamma_2 (B_2 - \bar{B}_2) + \ldots \\ && \delta_1 Z_i (B_1 - \bar{B}_1) + \delta_2 Z_i (B_2 - \bar{B}_2) + \ldots + \epsilon_i \end{eqnarray*}\]

or by estimating the blocked difference-in-means (i.e., taking the average of the block-level ATEs, weighted by their sample sizes). We can do so via

lm_lin(y ~ z, covariates = ~ x + block1_id + block2_id + ..., data = df)
lm_lin(y ~ z, covariates = ~ x + block_id_factor, data = df)

We do this because the “least squares dummy variable” approach produces biased estimates of the ATE and its standard error. This approach weights block-level effects by \(p_j(1-p_j)n_j\), where \(p_j\) is the probability of treatment in the block, and \(n_j\) is the sample size in the block. See the helpful blog post here.

4.5 Binary or Count Outcomes

We estimate the linear models above, even when we have binary or count outcomes. The Lin estimator returns a good estimate of the difference in means of non-normal outcomes; Lin (2013) provides an example with a highly skewed outcome, e.g.

4.6 Clusters, Weights, Fixed Effects

To specify other design or estimation components for lm_robust() or lm_lin(), start at the help file at For example, for a clustered assignment analysis,

lm_robust(y ~ z, data = df, clusters = cluster_id)

Though our standard procedure is to cluster at the level of assignment, we note that “[s]ometimes you need to cluster standard errors above the level of treatment.”

4.6.1 Weights

When our units have different probabilities of assignment, we weight each unit by the reciprocal of the probability of being assigned to the condition that the unit is finally assigned to. We use inverse probability weights (IPW).4

For example, suppose we have a monthly lottery from January to March, and those not selected for the program in the first month are still eligible to be selected in the second month. See Avila et al. (2023) for an example. Person \(A\) is eligible for all three waves of a lottery because they apply in January and could be repeatedly assigned to the control group; person \(B\) applies in March and is only eligible in the last lottery.

If the probability of treatment in each wave is \(p\), then the probabilities of treatment and control for \(A\) and \(B\) are

Unit Entry \(Pr(Z = 1)\) \(Pr(Z = 0)\)
\(A\) January \(p + (1-p)p + (1-p)^2p\) \(1-[p + (1-p)p + (1-p)^2p]\)
\(B\) March \(p\) \(1-p\)

and the weights are

Unit Entry IPW if \((Z = 1)\) IPW if \(Z = 0\)
\(A\) January \(\frac{1}{p + (1-p)p + (1-p)^2p}\) \(\frac{1}{1-[p + (1-p)p + (1-p)^2p]}\)
\(B\) March \(\frac{1}{p}\) \(\frac{1}{1-p}\)

If the assignment probability varies by wave, i.e., \(p\) is not constant, then this fact needs to be taken into account.

4.6.2 Fixed Effects

We note that treatment effect estimates from two-way fixed effect (TWFE) event-study regressions “can be severely biased”, even with homogeneous treatment effects.

4.7 Randomization Inference

Often, we prefer to rely on our design, rather than asymptotic or distributional assumptions, for statistical inference. In particular, when we have complex designs or analysis strategies, we use randomization inference.

For example, with modest sample sizes and a complex experimental design, in Avila et al. (2023) we use randomization inference. Below is an annotated example of doing so, using a for loop. We set the seed using the method in Section 2.4; we simulate treatment assignments using the method in Section A.8. More simulations reduces simulation error.

# Set seed:

# Set simulation size:
n_sims <- 1000

# Create empty storage vector:
store_te <- vector("double", length = n_sims)

# Rerandomise and perform estimation n_sims times:
for(i in 1:n_sims){
  # Reassign 0/1 treatment:
  df_tmp <- df %>% mutate(z_tmp = sample(0:1, n(), replace = TRUE))
  # Estimate treatment effect:
  lm_tmp <- lm_robust(y ~ z_tmp, data = df_tmp)
  # Store estimate:
  store_te[i] <- lm_tmp$coefficients["z_tmp"]

# Estimate treatment effect from actual assignment:
te_est <- lm_out$coefficients["z"]

# The p-value:
# "What proportion of effects estimated under sharp null hypothesis
#  are at least as extreme as that which we observed?"
mean(abs(store_te) >= abs(te_est))
## [1] 0.003

Sometimes, this will differ greatly from the parametric \(p\)-value. Here, the parametric \(p\)-value is 0.00482.

For another example, see Gerber and Green (2012), Chapter 3 for a demonstration using highly skewed data.

4.8 Addressing Non-compliance

4.9 Missing Data

Unless we have solid justification to believe the missingness mechanism is MCAR (missing completely at random), we prefer to treat missing data with multiple imputation.

We recognize that not all missing data are the same, however. We can confidently impute values that we are certain exist, but we should be more circumspect regarding other values. For example, we can confidently impute a household income, but we should be more circumspect about a student’s grade point average (GPA) or a survey preference. How would we interpret that GPA if the student actually dropped out of school? How can we be confident that the survey respondent actually has a preference for alternative \(A\) or \(B\), rather than being indifferent or having never considered the question?

After multiple imputation, we analyze each of the completed data sets and combine estimates and uncertainties from across the completed data sets into a single estimate and uncertainty.

4.10 Multiple Comparisons

In frequentist hypothesis testing, the more tests we conduct, the more likely we become to “detect” a causal effect that isn’t real, but is only an artifact of natural variation and random assignment. However, we are often interested in learning as much as we can from an experiment, such as the effect of an intervention on several outcomes, or the effect in subgroups, or the effect of several conditions. This tension underlies the problem of multiple comparisons.

One way to avoid this problem is to use Bayesian multilevel modeling, where post-analysis adjustment to probability statements or uncertainty intervals is usually not necessarily (Gelman, Hill, and Yajima 2012).

Another approach is to adjust frequentist \(p\)-values. Our default strategy for multiple comparisons is to control the family-wise error rate (FWER). This approach also controls the false discovery rate (FDR), but can be very conservative.

We account for multiple tests when a) we declare the tests to be confirmatory, and b) the tests form a family. Otherwise, we do not account for multiple tests.

By default, we control the FWER using the Holm-Bonferroni procedure (Holm 1979). With many tests or correlated tests, this adjustment can result in significant losses in power. When we anticipate highly correlated tests, such as testing several outcome measures of the same construct, or are interested in interval estimation, we use a bootstrap resampling procedure (Westfall and Young 1993).5

If we test a single outcome in several time periods, these tests are likely to be highly correlated with each other. For example, in the ATE project, we expect to test whether treatment affected the outcome at 3 months and at 6 months. In such cases, we adjust for performing two tests using the bootstrap resampling procedure of Westfall and Young (1993).

4.10.1 Holm-Bonferroni Adjustment

Suppose we have conducted three confirmatory hypothesis tests in a family, with \(p\)-values \(p_1 = .01\), \(p_2 = .02\), and \(p_3 = .08\), in increasing order. To adjust these \(p\)-values with the Holm procedure, we use

p.adjust(c(0.01, 0.02, 0.08), method = "holm")
## [1] 0.03 0.04 0.08

We see that the three adjusted \(p\)-values are \(0.03\), \(0.04\), and \(0.08\). (Here, these are \(p_1 \times 3\), \(p_2 \times 2\), and \(p_3 \times 1\).)

4.10.2 Westfall-Young Adjustment

Westfall and Young (1993) provides a bootstrapping approach to \(p\)-value adjustment that tends to be more powerful than the Holm-Bonferroni procedure.6 It strongly controls the FWER under the assumption of subset pivotality. We show an example using the implementation of Hidalgo (2017) below.

# Add another outcome and centered covariate:
df <- df |> mutate(y2 = 0.5 * z + rnorm(nrow(df), sd = 1),
                   x_c = as.vector(scale(x, scale = FALSE)))

# Install multitestr:
# devtools::install_github("fdhidalgo/multitestr")

# Define formulas with treatment (and interaction):
ff <- lapply(list(
  "y ~ z + x_c + z * x_c", 
  "y2 ~ z + x_c + z * x_c"),

# Define null formulas without treatment:
ff_null <- lapply(list(
  "y ~ x_c", 
  "y2 ~ x_c"),

wy_out <- boot_stepdown(
  full_formulas = ff,
  null_formulas = ff_null,
  data = df,
  coef_list = list(coef = c("z", "z:x_c")),
  nboots = 1000,
  parallel = FALSE,
  boot_type = "wild",
  pb = FALSE)

wy_out |> mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 3))
## Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
## ℹ In argument: `across(where(is.numeric), round, 3)`.
## Caused by warning:
## ! The `...` argument of `across()` is deprecated as of dplyr 1.1.0.
## Supply arguments directly to `.fns` through an anonymous function instead.
##   # Previously
##   across(a:b, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
##   # Now
##   across(a:b, \(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
##     Hypothesis  coef bs_pvalues_unadjusted bs_pvalues_adjusted
## 1 Hypothesis 1     z                 0.001               0.001
## 2 Hypothesis 2 z:x_c                 0.148               0.268
## 3 Hypothesis 1     z                 0.073               0.247
## 4 Hypothesis 2 z:x_c                 0.180               0.268

4.11 Posterior Probabilities

We may be interested in the probability that one treatment condition outperforms another. In Moore et al. (2022), we calculate that open deadlines have probability 0.79 of being better than specific deadlines. These probabilities can provide guidance for agencies about which treatment condition(s) to continue implementing after an experiment ends, especially when there appears to be little difference between conditions in effect or cost.


Avila, Maria, Natnaell Mammo, Ryan T. Moore, and Sam Quinney. 2023. “Do Shallow Rental Subsidies Promote Housing Stability? Evidence on Costs and Effects from DC’s Shallow Flexible Rent Subsidy Program.” Urban Affairs Review 59 (5): 1530–66.
Blair, Graeme, Jasper Cooper, Alexander Coppock, Macartan Humphreys, and Luke Sonnet. 2022. Estimatr: Fast Estimators for Design-Based Inference.
Gelman, Andrew, Jennifer Hill, and Masanao Yajima. 2012. “Why We (Usually) Don’t Have to Worry about Multiple Comparisons.” Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 5 (2): 189–211.
Gerber, Alan S., and Donald P. Green. 2012. Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation. WW Norton.
Hidalgo, F. Daniel. 2017. Multitestr: Resampling-Based Multiple Testing Adjustments for Linear Regression.
Holm, Sture. 1979. “A Simple Sequentially Rejective Multiple Test Procedure.” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 6: 65–70.
Lin, Winston. 2013. “Agnostic Notes on Regression Adjustments to Experimental Data: Reexamining Freedman’s Critique.” The Annals of Applied Statistics 7 (1): 295–318.
Moore, Ryan T., Katherine N. Gan, Karissa Minnich, and David Yokum. 2022. “Anchor Management: A Field Experiment to Encourage Families to Meet Critical Programme Deadlines.” Journal of Public Policy 42 (4): 615–36.
Morgan, Kari Lock. 2017. “Reallocating and Resampling: A Comparison for Inference.” arXiv.
Ruggeri, Kai, and Tomas Folke. 2021. “Unstandard Deviation: The Untapped Value of Positive Deviance for Reducing Inequalities.” Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Tukey, John W. 1991. “Use of Many Covariates in Clinical Trials.” International Statistical Review 59 (2): 123–37.
Westfall, Peter H., and S. Stanley Young. 1993. Resampling-Based Multiple Testing: Examples and Methods for p-Value Adjustment. John Wiley & Sons.

  1. Gerber and Green (2012) provides an instructive example.↩︎

  2. In the original paper, Lin (2013) describes “the OLS regression of \(Y_i\) on \(T_i\), \(z_i\), and \(T_i(z_i − \bar{z})\)”, where the covariates are only centered in the interaction. The implementation in Blair et al. (2022) and Lin’s supplementary materials, however, center the covariates in their linear terms, using \(T_i\), \(z_i-\bar{z}\), and \(T_i(z_i − \bar{z})\). We show elsewhere that it doesn’t matter which of these models we estimate.↩︎

  3. The intuition: if the treatment and control groups look different, then we up-weight the controls that look more like the treateds, and vice versa. If you’re a control that looks like all the other controls, you’re less informative about the causal effect than if you’re a control that looks like the treateds.↩︎

  4. This procedure strongly controls the FWER under subset pivotality, a condition likely to obtain when we estimate the effect of a single treatment on many outcomes.↩︎

  5. Morgan (2017) shows that resampling and reallocation methods behave very similarly (up to \(\frac{n-1}{n}\)) in testing, and argues that, for interval estimation, we should prefer bootstrap resampling methods to reallocation methods (which depend on an equal-variances assumption and additivity).↩︎