Chapter 6 Publication

Projects generate a variety of types of publications. These may include

  • Pre-analysis plans,
  • Final technical reports,
  • Public versions of GitHub repositories,
  • Public versions of data, and
  • Peer-reviewed academic journal articles.

6.1 Authorship in Pre-Analysis Plans

For pre-analysis plans, we ascribe to the three standards of substantial contribution, approval, and accountability that Nature lays out here.

6.2 Authorship in Academic Articles

For academic papers, we ascribe to the three standards of substantial contribution, approval, and accountability that Nature lays out here.

6.3 Publishing Data

We strive to post useful replication data to the extent possible in each project. Some examples of our work doing so include projects on the 911 nurse triage line and 457b enrollment.

The federal OPRE has some helpful advice for doing so here.